Dues and Donations can be made using PayPal® on the Membership page.
Memberships are valid January 1st thru December 31st.
The March meeting will be on the 8th due to the Copper Dog Race.
Meetings [NEW DAY]
The CCRAA will meet the first Saturday of each month at 11.30am. (Winter)
@ The Hut Restaurant, 58540 Wolverine St #41, Calumet, MI 49913, USA
Meetings are open to all interested in Amateur Radio.
Thank You to all who showed up and many of you that helped to make it a success.
Saturday October 5, 2024
KBIC Senior Center (Ojibwa Senior Citizens Center)
208 Main Ave. Baraga, Mi
9 AM – 1 PM (set up: 8 AM)
Admission: $5, Tables $10 – Plenty of tables available, no need to pre-order tables (trunk sales of larger items – OK)
Under 18 (and students) free admission
Snacks, coffee, and soft drinks available
Addition information: contact Jeff W9GY jeffw9gy@pasty.net
Bill KD8JAM kd8jam@charter.net
Amateur Radio “Field Day 2025”
WHO/WHAT: Members of the COPPER COUNTRY RADIO AMATEUR ASSOCIATION and the KEWEENAW COUNTY REPEATER ASSOCIATION will be participating in the national amateur radio Field Day exercise, June 28-29. Since 1933, ham radio operators across North America have established temporary ham radio stations in public locations during Field Day to showcase the science and skill of amateur radio. This event is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend.
WHEN: From 2pm Saturday, June 28, to 2pm Sunday, June 29.
WHERE: Houghton County Historical Society
53102 Hwy M-26 Lake Linden, MI 49945
For more information about Field Day or amateur radio, visit kcra-mi,net or ccraa.net or arrl.org/what-is-ham-radio.
Technician HAM Classes: Thanks to Don W8PSP for teaching the classes! In the 2022 session we had 25 new Hams and in 2023 there was 10. For a total of 35!
FCC Application Fee Instructions
International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend! K8L Click here for info.
If you would like to make a Presentation after a CCRAA meeting. Please email details to kd8jam@charter.net. And I will post them to the Calendar.

Don W8PSP and Simon KE8TXD did an interview for “Copper Country Today”
Aired on January 22, 2023
Copper Country Today Archives – Keweenaw Report
The 146.88 repeater has been temporally moved to the club house until a new site can be found.
We would like to give a Big Thank You to UPPCO for a $250.00 donation.
Swap Grand Prize Winner!

The Houghton County ARES Net will be on Wednesdays at 8:00PM.
On the 88 repeater (146.880 MHz- with a PL of 100.0 Hz)
The Ontonagon County ARES Net will be on Wednesdays about 8:30PM-8:45PM.
On the 67 repeater (146.670 MHz- with a PL of 100.0 Hz)
Upper Peninsula Skywarn with lots of maps, APRS weather reports, and the latest forecast for your hometown!
powered by Ambient Weather
This cam is located at the home of Jeff W9GY and overlooks the North Entry of the Portage Canal.

Thank You
The CCRAA would like to thank Michigan Technological University for hosting the Hancock repeater for many years. {This tower has been taken down}
We would also like to thank Houghton County for hosting the Donken repeater.