CCRAA Repeaters

CCRAA Repeaters

W8CDZ Hancock 146.88 MHz (pl 100.0 Hz) Voice Repeater

(This repeater has been temporary installed at the Club House)

This repeater has an EchoLink node”W8CDZ-R”, emergency power, and a code “W8CDZ” ID.
Input Frequency: 146.28 MHz with a PL, of 100.0 Hz
Output Frequency: 146.88 MHz
Power Output of Transmitter: 23 W
Power Amp. 100 W
Transmission Line Length: 270 Ft.
Transmission Line Loss (7/8″ Andrew Heliax): 3.2 dB
Antenna HASL: 1370′, Ground Level: 1100′ ASL
Antenna Gain: 6 dB, Cloverleaf Pattern
ERP of System: 150 watts
Latitude: 47 deg 8′ 30″ N, Longitude: 88 deg 32′ 25″ W

.88 Repeater Photos (click on individual for full size) (This tower has been dismantled)

W8CDZ Donken 146.67 MHz (pl 100.0 Hz) Voice Repeater
The repeater has a Morse code only “W8CDZ/RPT” ID.
Input Frequency: 146.07 MHz with a PL of 100.0 Hz
Output Frequency: 146.67 MHz
Power Output of Transmitter: 25 W
Power Amp: 100 W
Transmission Line Length: 300 Ft.
Transmission Line Loss (7/8″ Andrew Heliax):4 dB
Antenna HASL: 2250′, Ground Level: 1950′ ASL
Antenna Type: Omnidirectional
Antenna Gain: 6 dB, Cloverleaf Pattern
ERP of System: 125 watts
Latitude: 46°58’03.4″N , Longitude:88°45’39.4″W

W8CDZ Osceola 442.55+ MHz (No pl) Voice Repeater

Input Frequency: 447.55 MHz with on PL.
Output Frequency: 442.55+ MHz
Power Output of Transmitter:
Power Amp.:
Antenna HASL: ‘, Ground Level: ‘ ASL
Antenna Gain: dB,
ERP of System:
Latitude: 47.2168, Longitude: 88.4638

W8CDZ-2 Osceola 144.39 MHz APRS Digipeater
This digipeater repeats text messages, weather reports, and mobile beaconing on a 3-hop basis which is enough to reach a local internet gateway. This APRS station also serves as a VHF propagation beacon.
Path Setting: WIDE3-3
TX Power: 25W
Antenna type: onmidirectional
Antenna height: 35 Ft.
Current status