And Superior Search & Rescue
Amateur Radio Disaster Services provide emergency communications assistance to Houghton and Keweenaw County’s Offices of Emergency Measures, the Western Upper Peninsula chapter of the American Red Cross, and Superior Search & Rescue. ARES also provides communications assistance to community events such as the Lake Superior PRO Rally (A.K.A. “POR”) and the Great Bear Chase Ski Race. ARES is a service function of the Amateur Radio Relay League.
ARES is not a ‘club’. It is merely a callout list of experienced emergency service communications operators drawn from the local amateur radio clubs. The clubs are the Husky Amateur Radio Club (HARC), the Copper Country Radio Amateur Association (CCRAA), and the Keweenaw County Repeater Association (KCRA).
147.42 MHz simplex (ARES check-in frequency)
146.88-, PL100 (Houghton County ARES net)
147.315+, PL100 (Keweenaw County ARES net)
The Keweenaw County ARES net meets each Friday night at 9 pm on the Calumet repeater (147.315+, PL100). All amateurs, regardless of what county you reside, are invite to take part.
Houghton County ARES The Houghton County ARES net meets each Wednesday night at 9PM n the Hancock Repeater (146.88-, PL100). All radio operators are invited to check-in.
An application to register can be downloaded here. Download the form and submit to either Matthew Miller (KD8OOS) for Houghton County, Matthew Miller (KD8OOS) for Keweenaw County, Al Trainer III, (KC8OCK) for Ontonagon Co., Rich Schwenke, (N8GBA) for Marquette Co. or Jack Swift, (N8WAV) for Baraga Co.
Superior Search and Rescue: If you are interested in helping with Search and Rescue in Houghton or Keweenaw Counties, contact us at info@superiorsar.org. We are always looking for radio operators, searchers, and logistics assistance.